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Ride and Glide

So my new series of paintings have bicycles and birds.  I had the urge to throw in a bicycle in one of my pieces awhile back...I didn't question it, I just let it appear.  I wonder why I question everything else that appears in my life? 

At some point I wondered what  those bicycles were about..and it occured to me that bicycles and birds have something in common...they both GLIDE.  That's what I like to do..glide along...not like a slacker but like a person who is free from resistance and allows the current of life to carry them along..

Except that birds don't seem to have to question whether they are gliding, they just gllide.  They feel the current with their bodies, not their brains.  Unlike humans who not only fight against the current, but also are destined to have to RIDE in order to glide.  We have to engage.  We have to put in the effort..to , dare I say it...WORK.  Just get on that bike and ride.   Then, after the effort, the strain, the trudging and the heavy breathing...we are rewarded with the GLIDE.   Hmmm,  the breeze brushing our cheeks, the ease, the feeling of accomplishment. 

And it is my choice as to whether I want to glide.  I am not a victim. I can choose to get on the bike or not.  Birds just fly....Im not sure it they choose to fly or not..but as a human being I decided to put the effort in to go forward..to feel that glide.



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