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Art in Seattle-I wanna do it again (January 2011)

So I brouhgt my workshop to Seattle Washington...My first successful venture  bringing what I have to offer outside Northern California.  Though a small group..I have to say that the participants blew me away with thier courage and the results of their 100% efforts...

The learning curve...plan for less natural light than I'm used to...plan for the breakers to shut down if the building is old and I decide to run three hairdryers at the same time...plan to have everybody register, at least with a deposit ahead of time so I can count on people being there...plan to consider relocating to the PNW because it's so gorgeous..I'll have to do a test run in the winter to see how I do in the sprinkling climate though. 

And I got wto work with two of my favorite Hansens and Madame Vyvyn Lazonga, artist extraordinary and a seeker...check her out too  http://www.vyvyn.com/



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